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How to find the PrestaShop Database config file to get the necessary information you forgot?
Your database connection can be established in the PrestaShop configuration setting by adding your database username, password, hostname, and database name. Once you are connected to your databases, the Prestashop framework knows all the tables you are using in your installation.
Feel free to get this information from the configuration file if you missed them.
Read more: Step by Step to find the PrestaShop Database Config file
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PrestaShop has an option that allows customers to subscribe to the newsletter mailing list, and save the list of PrestaShop newsletter subscribers into its database, although this platform does not have a full-featured built-in email marketing function.
If you use other PrestaShop modules for sending newsletter messages, these modules will automatically get email addresses from the database.
But how can you export newsletter subscribers to send them to other services?
Welcome to PrestaSOO. Today I will show you where you should go to find this information for upcoming promotions & marketing campaigns.
Read more: How to find the list of PrestaShop newsletter subscribers?
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Are you looking for a tool that helps with managing email subscribers? This article will guide you through the process of setting up your PrestaShop site and connecting it with MailChimp.
Read more: MailChimp PrestaShop integration to send newsletters
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Have you ever wondered what a customer ID is? How does it work, and why do we need it? This article will explain all this in detail, and it will also show you how to get a customer ID in PrestaShop.
Read more: The fastest way to get a valid customer ID in PrestaShop
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The PrestaShop under-construction page (or coming soon page) is a special page on the website that notifies customers of an update or website maintenance. If you want to use your own layout for the maintenance mode, you can also show a countdown timer on it.
When your business is growing rapidly, you may find that some modules are getting outdated or the theme needs to be improved. In such cases, you will need to enable maintenance mode on your PrestaShop site.
This article explains what it does and how to enable it on your website with a step-by-step guide.
This page prevents visitors from accessing the main functions of your shop in case you're developing the PrestaShop store or updating the product's information.
Let's say you're submitting a new product to your store, and you haven't completed the processing, but you still want to save the information. Set your store into maintenance mode to avoid any misunderstandings from your customers.