PrestaShop 1.8? No, it's PrestaShop 8

Are you looking for PrestaShop 1.8? No, it's not existing. It is not the right name for this generation.

And PrestaShop 8 is the latest version of PrestaShop.

Welcome to the World of Open Source e-Commerce Platform.

PrestaShop 1.8

After releasing versions of Ps 1.4, Ps 1.5, PrestaShop 1.6 and PrestaShop 1.7, the PrestaShop team decided to make a big change: No more PS 1.x.

They jumped from 1.7 to 8.

I think it was a big jump. Honestly, I don't like the number 1.x.

A quick look at PrestaShop 8.0

PS 8.0 is the current version of the 8 generation of the PrestaShop platform. And it's a big improvement over the beta version.

And of course, there are no more beta versions.

This new version has the same design as the previous version, but was made to be faster and more user-friendly. It is available for free download.

The main thing that has meaning a lot: It supports PHP 8.

This is a great opportunity to make sure your online store is up and running as quickly as possible.

A note when you upgrade from PrestaShop 1.7 to 8.0

Are you upgrading from 1.7.8 to 8.0? Me, too.

I have 1 real PrestaShop store that is running on this version + PHP 8 + OpenLiteSpeed server.

The PrestaShop installation of version 8.0 on the OpenLiteSpeed server is also relatively convenient. Damn this is easy to install.

PrestaShop 8 final

You can check out the website's speed of the Age Restriction 18+ module's demo with this PrestaShop version from here.

This website is a combination of a classic theme and the Age Restriction 18+ module. So, everything is basic configuration.

But there are a few things to keep in mind: not all modules are compatible with the stable version of 8. So, do not forget to check the PrestaShop compatibility before upgrading your PrestaShop website.

My favourite combo: OpenLiteSpeed server + PHP 8.

Just make sure the existing PrestaShop theme and any PrestaShop addons are compatible with PrestaShop 8 + PHP 8, and you can enjoy OpenLiteSpeed's high speed.

We're upgrading our modules to make sure they're compatible with this version.

Let's skip the 1.8 & enjoy the 8 version.

Halloween theme

PrestaSEO AI++.

PrestaSEO AI module

PrestaSEO AI++ is a cutting-edge module designed to take your PrestaShop store’s SEO to the next level. Built with advanced automation and AI technology, it streamlines SEO tasks, making optimization easier and more effective.

Whether you're focused on improving local visibility or cleaning up your site's URL structure, PrestaSEO AI provides a comprehensive suite of features to enhance your store's performance.

Latest modules update!

iConvert Promotions 8.0.0 ⊙

Optimize source codes to improve the performance and user experiences on PrestaShop 8, resolved various issues to enhance compatibility with PrestaShop 1.7.x.

DocumenThemix 3.3.7 ⊙

Compatible with PrestaShop 8.

ChargeMe v5.4.1 ⊙

Clear the cart & redirect to the checkout page.

Age Restriction - 18+ v2.3.6⊙

Fix page assignment issues.

Newsletter Popup v3.2.5 ⊙

Enhance the level of security.

JumptoCheckout v.2.1.1 ⊙

Fix the deleting product issue.

PrestaSOO team

Trusted by 7k++ clients.

Modules you need to make a living doing work you love.


It is a wise investment

PrestaShop modules we created first to solve the problem of our own business - an e-Commerce site. That means they are very useful for serious business. If you value your web property, these modules are a wise investment.
Sarah Reeves, App Developer @ PrestaSOO
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