Curso Prestashop Gratis

Los mejores desarrolladores y otros expertos ofrecen el mejor consejo, curso de Prestashop gratis para ayudarlo a instalar Prestashop y personalizar las plantillas de Prestashop.

Curso Prestashop

How to generate Prestashop Invoice by Customer name

How to generate PrestaShop Invoice by Customer name

Want to generate PDF invoice by customer's name instead of the boring numbers? It's so easy - on this guide, I will show you how to do it: Step I: Modify function getFilename() in your-website/classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateInvoice.php. Step II: Get the customer object by adding this line: $customer = new Customer((int)$this->order->id_customer); Step III: Return with the name and the number. Final: Enjoy the result. Are you ready?...
Meta Description Prestashop - updated

The best length of meta description in Prestashop

How long should meta description in Prestashop be? I said you can write meta descriptions for 300 characters, but it's not correct anymore. Everything has changed with this meta tag! As of mid-May 2018, Google has reverted back to shorter display snippets, and these changes are widespread. Most meta descriptions are being cut off in the previous range of about 155–160 characters.
What should be the length of title on Prestashop for SEO

What should be the length of title on Prestashop for SEO

How to write a strong SEO Title Tag that Google will love on your site? In my previous tutorial on Prestashop SEO Made Simple: A Step-by-Step guide, i said that the title should be succinct between 5 and 10 words, roughly 60 characters. Yesterday when i worked on a P1.7 website, i can see this platform offers you to write a title tag with max 70 characters. What is the correct number? Because title tags are one of the essential elements, and even a slight change in the meta title of your page...
How to show subcategories images in Prestashop's top menu

How to show subcategories images on Prestashop top menu

Few months ago i wrote a tutorial to share about the way to show categories images on menu. Then @Psdesigner and @Damien Belgacig asked me about the way to put subcategories images instead of main category's image. Sorry 2 guys, Disqus didn't tell me about your comments. Well, as my previous article, if you edit ps_mainmenu template file (ps_mainmenu.tpl) and put the source code as my suggest, all categories images will be showed on Prestashop Menu. In case you only want to allow subcategories...
Comenzando Su Propio Negocio Por Suscripción con Prestashop

Comenzando Su Propio Negocio Por Suscripción con Prestashop

El Negocio por Suscripción no es algo nuevo y es bastante común, especialmente cuando se trata de servicios. Debido a que los hábitos de compra de los consumidores apuntan hacia experiencias de compra más simples y sin complicaciones, cada vez más empresas se están subiendo al espacio de suscripciones y están experimentando un crecimiento increíble. No es difícil usarlo en su sitio web de Prestashop. La venta de un producto, servicio o curso digital puntual puede ofrecerle una gratificación...

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Es una sabia inversión

Los módulos de Prestashop que creamos primero para resolver el problema de nuestro propio negocio: un sitio de comercio electrónico. Eso significa que son muy útiles para un negocio serio. Si valora su propiedad web, estos módulos son una inversión inteligente.
Sarah Reeves, Desarrollador de aplicaciones @ PrestaSOO
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