Najlepsi programiści i inni eksperci oferują najlepsze samouczki i porady PrestaShop - wszystko w imię pomocy w podnoszeniu poziomu umiejętności konfigurowania i instalowania PrestaShop lub konfigurowania bramki płatności.
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Ten samouczek PrestaShop sugeruje sposoby odzyskania dostępu do panelu administracyjnego PrestaShop.
Jeśli zapomnisz hasła administratora, możesz zresetować hasło pocztą e-mail. Jest to najprostszy sposób na zmianę hasła administratora.
Jeśli ta opcja nie jest dostępna, możesz zresetować hasło w bazie danych ręcznie za pomocą Panelu sterowania, aby uzyskać dostęp do panelu administracyjnego. Na przykład metoda poczty e-mail zintegrowana ze stroną Prestashop nie działa poprawnie.
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Most of us have to work from home and see the world out there being chaotic. The coronavirus continues to spread and these are dark times for people around the world.
A few recent updates from New Yorks made people worried, but soon, the situation will become more positive. (Here we provided COVID-19 Stats module shows total cases, recovered, deaths with chart from 150+ countries for tracking).
You have to work from home, on a desk inside your bedroom. Yes, i know.
And you have to take care of the kids, feed the dog when typing the email. Yes, i know.
All we have to work to maintain our e-commerce. But, before even thinking about the economic consequences for your business, you should think about the health of your customers.
You can have the most efficient enjoy inside the industry, however, if customers don't feel like you care approximately them, they won’t stay loyal. It's a good time to show you care.
You might need Checklist to Protect — a basic module to show the Checklist Popup on your home page or any pages for the online store.
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If you're trying to upload a theme/module that has a big package's file size from your Admin Panel on your Prestashop website, you might get an error:
The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is 2 MB.
I don't think this is the first time you've seen this mistake, and it won't be your last. Follow this PrestaShop tutorial for discovering 2 easy solutions to fix the upload_max_filesize error on uploading a commercial module using Module Manager from the modules page in Prestashop Admin Panel instead of asking your hosting provider.
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The Average Order Value (AOV) is the average money amount that a customer spends an order on your Prestashop website with you. It also gives some information regarding customer behavior.
The average order value, with the conversion rate (CR) & revenue per visit (RPP), is the most important value a Prestashop-based online store needs to increase to be profitable. Want to calculate the gross revenue? It's here: Traffic x Conversion Rate x Average Order Value.
Although increasing AOV doesn't factor into your profit margins or gross profit, merchants should first try to improve it, which is the process through which each consumer makes more money. It's a very important KPI (Key Performance Indicator) for any business, including Prestashop E-Commerce Stores, that informs you about your pricing strategies.
Increase this value to a point where it's the maximum it can be for your business based on your own data and industry benchmarks. Then let it work on its own while you continue to focus on other important areas of boosting sales and revenue, like acquiring new customers, increasing the customer lifetime value of eCommerce businesses.
What you have: You launch an eCommerce business to consistently market and sell your products.
What you do: You try many ways to get more traffic. For example, a business owner are spending on advertising thousands of dollars on Google Ads or Facebook Ads, focus much of your energy on writing articles, and optimizing your website.
In fact: more traffic does not equal more success.
Increasing Average Order Values does not cost money, but increasing traffic does. Encourage your customers to buy more expensive products and more products!
You know What does Average Order Value mean. Next questions: How to calculate AOV and especially How to increase the average order value?
This Prestashop tutorial will show you 6 tips to increase your AOV easily.
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SEO is always changing! It does hard work for you. You need to wake up every day with a question: "What's next"?
What you want: Focus on growing your business, more sales or complete your client's project faster.
What you don't want: Spend a lot of time on Google and everywhere to update the latest news about title & meta description length for improving Prestashop SEO.
So, we write this topic and update the length of Prestashop meta description & title every time we have something news from Google update. You only need to see the number we post here.