Samouczki PrestaShop i tworzenie niestandardowych modułów

Najlepsi programiści i inni eksperci oferują najlepsze samouczki i porady PrestaShop - wszystko w imię pomocy w podnoszeniu poziomu umiejętności konfigurowania i instalowania PrestaShop lub konfigurowania bramki płatności.

Prestashop Tutorial

Prestashop tutorial - How to remove Prestashop 1.7 footer link

How to remove Prestashop 1.7 footer link

When you use Prestashop as your eCommerce platform, you often see a link at the bottom of your website that linked to Prestashop official website. This is not a bad thing for your SEO, but it will distract the focus of the customers on your website, and indicate that you are an amateur. Many years ago, one of the popular SEO tactics of businesses was putting backlinks at the footer of other websites. And their SERP rankings increased rapidly. Until 2013, Google released the Penguin...
SOO Paypal Subscriptions & Recurring Payment  is available on Prestashop 1.7 right now

ChargeMe - Automatic Billing & Recurring Payment P 1.7

After a long days waiting for upgrade, finally, ChargeMe - One of the top Loyalty module for Prestashop Awards 2017 - is compatible with Prestashop 1.7. There are no many payment modules for P1.7 at this time and this module are one of the first.In this new version, PrestaSOO brought an interesting change: Show tax, shipping and Coupon value of orders on Paypal.
Increase sales on Prestashop website in bad weather

Increase sales on Prestashop website in bad weather

Europe Deep Freeze! From a business perspective, weather can have a significant impact on the bottom line. And as with most patterns of this type, bad times are usually balanced out with good times. This is the worst period for the retailer. But perhaps you do not know that this is a great opportunity to increase sales on your Prestashop website.
SOO Gift Certificate - Translated in 5 languages

SOO Gift Certificate - Translated into 5 languages

SOO Gift Certificate module - helps to manage and sell gift certificates / giftcards / vouchers on your Prestashop website - has been translated into 5 languages. This extremely beautiful and powerful module will more easily use for everyone.
Prestashop on Ubuntu 16.04 : My products are stolen ?

Prestashop on Ubuntu 16.04 : My products are stolen ?

When i upgraded my Prestashop server from Ubuntu 14.04 to Ubuntu 16.04, my Prestashop products were not displayed on category pages. Who did take them from me ? My server has been hacked ? Actually, this is a database issue due to Mysql 5.7 on Ubuntu 16.04. Do you have a plan to download Prestashop and install your ecommerce website on an Ubuntu server ? It's a good idea but this issue will effect to any Prestashop websites running on Ubuntu 16.04. Take some minutes here to know how to fix i...

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To mądra inwestycja

Moduły PrestaShop, które stworzyliśmy jako pierwsze, aby rozwiązać problem naszego własnego biznesu - strona e-Commerce. Oznacza to, że są bardzo przydatne w poważnym biznesie. Jeśli cenisz swoją usługę internetową, te moduły są mądrą inwestycją.
Sarah Reeves, Programista aplikacji @ PrestaSOO
Wykonane z w Paris i Hanoi
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