Modules are compatible with PrestaShop 8 & PHP 8.0

Good news: Age Restriction 18+ module and Newsletter PopUp module are now fully compatible with PrestaShop 8 and PHP 8.0.

2 modules are compatible with PrestaShop 8 & PHP 8

Did you know about the latest version of PrestaShop 8.0?

PrestaShop 8 & PHP 8.0

This release is a fresh start for PrestaShop as a fully open source ecommerce platform. Along with that, its compatibility includes PHP 8 and 8.1.

This version also has several new features, bug fixes, and improvements.

PrestaShop PHP 8

One of the main new features is a modernized back office design system. This makes it easier to manage orders, customers, and products, as well as access data faster than ever before. Additionally, there are improved security features such as two-factor authentication and encrypted passwords. The admin panel has also been redesigned to make navigation simpler and more intuitive.

Overall, this release marks a significant step forward in the evolution of PrestaShop’s platform as an open source software solution. With its enhanced security and improved user experience, this release of PrestaShop is sure to be a hit with both developers and end users alike.

Yes, that's right!

The duo PrestaShop 8 and PHP version 8 will enhance the performance of your store.
Don't forget to download PrestaShop packages and enjoy the latest features in the new version for your PrestaShop website.

2 PrestaShop modules

And today, we tested and upgraded Age Restriction 18+ module and Newsletter PopUp module. Both of these modules are now compatible with the major version PHP 8 and PrestaShop version 8.0, as well as an older version such as PrestaShop 1.7 & PHP 7.4.

This will help you bring the efficient functions of Age Restriction 18+ module and Newsletter PopUp module into your online store.

Age Restriction 18+ module takes legal precautions when selling alcohol, tobacco...with highly customizable pop-ups on PrestaShop stores.

Age Restriction module

Newsletter PopUp module provides newsletter subscription with special discount through newsletter block with attractive PrestaShop popup, Mailchimp, HubSpot, SendinBlue,, ClearOut, TheChecker integration via API.

NewsLetter PopUp

Update 02/2023: Iconvert Promotion & DeleteX & ChargeMe modules are also compatible with PrestaShop 8 and its previous version (1.7). You can update your module for your PrestaShop store by visiting your subscription page.

We will continue to work with modules that people are craving like Cart Reserve, Agile Search... to ensure that they are compatible with the latest technologies as soon as possible.

PrestaSEO AI++.

PrestaSEO AI module

PrestaSEO AI++ is a cutting-edge module designed to take your PrestaShop store’s SEO to the next level. Built with advanced automation and AI technology, it streamlines SEO tasks, making optimization easier and more effective.

Whether you're focused on improving local visibility or cleaning up your site's URL structure, PrestaSEO AI provides a comprehensive suite of features to enhance your store's performance.

Aktualizacja najnowszych modułów!

Age Restriction - 18+ ⊙
Rozwiąż niektóre problemy z wyświetlaniem na urządzeniach przenośnych.

Newsletter Popup v3.2.2
Edycja świąteczna, aby zwiększyć sprzedaż.

Trusty v1.4.7 ⊙
Kompatybilny zarówno z PrestaShop 1.7, jak i PrestaShop 8.

PrestaSOO team
Wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, aby zarabiać na życie wykonując pracę, którą kochasz.


To mądra inwestycja

Moduły PrestaShop, które stworzyliśmy jako pierwsze, aby rozwiązać problem naszego własnego biznesu - strona e-Commerce. Oznacza to, że są bardzo przydatne w poważnym biznesie. Jeśli cenisz swoją usługę internetową, te moduły są mądrą inwestycją.
Sarah Reeves, Programista aplikacji @ PrestaSOO
Wykonane z w Paris i Hanoi
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