PrestaShop: too many redirects — How to fix it?

Do you get an error in your PrestaShop store and can not access it because there are too many redirects?

It's a redirect loop, and you keep getting it 404 for a long time.

Follow us, and we will find out how to fix this problem by troubleshooting your PrestaShop URL redirection issue.

PrestaShop too many redirects

The shop is not accessible from browsers.

Too many HTTP redirects are not good for your website's search engine ranking. If you found a "too many redirects" error on your online store, your customers can't access the store because the browser will return a configuration error message:

The page isn’t redirecting properly

An error occurred during a connection to my-store .com. This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies. (Firefox)


This page isn't working

Too many redirects occurred trying to open my-store .com.

Err_too_many_redirects. (Google Chrome)

Which PS version will be affected?

It's happening on both PrestaShop 1.6 & 1.7.

What causes err_too_many_redirects error?

It's very simple: You're trying to forward the webpage from the first URL to the second URL, but then, the second URL configuration is forwarding to the first URL. It's an infinite loop problem and isn't related to any browser cache issues.

The best solution to fix this common mistake: find to remove the unnecessary redirects.

Be careful not to create a loop with forwarding URL rules.

Redirects affects PrestaShop SEO. This could be due to the creation of a loop with forwarding URL rules.

Most PrestaShop stores are developed on a LAMP server (Apache, MySQL, PHP…) because it is fast and simple (learn how to install PrestaShop on your localhost or a server like Ubuntu), but always using a .htaccess file — the Apache configuration file to manually create forward URL rules is not a good idea.

Your server might be down because of this redirect loop.

The redirect loop error could crash your server. One of our client's websites was down for 2 days because they had a loop redirect. They have 30000 visitors per day and for a few minutes, they think their online business website is under a DDoS attack.

If your website is nonfunctional, it might have a negative rank on the Google search result page.

How to fix "too many redirects" in PrestaShop?

On PrestaShop, this issue will appear when you enable SSL & Friendly URL but setup the invalid value for the Shop URL in the backend. The admin dashboard is working well, but the frontend is down with some origin configurations. Configure the correct values will solve the error messages.

  • Visit the Backoffice → Shop Parameters → Traffic & SEO menu from the left area of the PrestaShop Admin Panel.
  • Scroll down to the Set Shop URL section.
  • Remove any "/" character at the end and "http" or "https" at the top of the Shop domain & SSL domain fields. If you want to use www with the domain name, please use it for both fields.
  • Save the changes.

Err too many redirects

The issue on the Nginx server.

Don't use an Apache-based server? If the above tip does not solve your issue and your shop is running on a Nginx web server, you might want to open your Nginx config file and find this block from the default file:

location / {
    if (!-e $request_filename) {
        rewrite ^/.*$ /index.php last;

Replace it by

location / {
    if (!-e $request_filename) {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;

Save the setting. Ask your hosting service provider if you don't know where the config file is.

What is the best way to create 301 redirects in PrestaShop?

The best solution to creating the redirection is using the SEO Redirection module for your PrestaShop store.

How to prevent this issue from happening in the future?

  • Don't use the slash "/" at the bottom of the shop domain & SSL domain fields when turning on the SSL setting for HTTPS support.
  • Use a Redirect Checker tool to address any redirecting problems from links on the PrestaShop website.

These errors are the bane of every webmaster's existence. You can't just ignore them, you have to deal with them. But how do you know if your site is suffering from too many redirects? And what should you do about it?

I will show you an easy way: Always use professional modules, such as the SEO Redirection module, to create rewrite rules and manage 301, 302, 404 redirects. This plugin's features will save you a day.

Hope this tutorial gives you an answer to the question relating to PrestaShop — too many redirects.

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PrestaSEO AI++.

PrestaSEO AI module

PrestaSEO AI++ is a cutting-edge module designed to take your PrestaShop store’s SEO to the next level. Built with advanced automation and AI technology, it streamlines SEO tasks, making optimization easier and more effective.

Whether you're focused on improving local visibility or cleaning up your site's URL structure, PrestaSEO AI provides a comprehensive suite of features to enhance your store's performance.

Latest modules update!

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Optimize source codes to improve the performance and user experiences on PrestaShop 8, resolved various issues to enhance compatibility with PrestaShop 1.7.x.

DocumenThemix 3.3.7 ⊙

Compatible with PrestaShop 8.

ChargeMe v5.4.1 ⊙

Clear the cart & redirect to the checkout page.

Age Restriction - 18+ v2.3.6⊙

Fix page assignment issues.

Newsletter Popup v3.2.5 ⊙

Enhance the level of security.

JumptoCheckout v.2.1.1 ⊙

Fix the deleting product issue.

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