Checklist to Protect

Protect the health of those you serve and staff in your care on Prestashop Store with an eyecatch checklist popup.

Compatible: Prestashop 1.6, Prestashop 1.7 all versions

€̶8̶9̶ Free

Checklist to Protect Prestashop module
Checklist Protect your customers & your family
These are dark times for people around the world, as the coronavirus continues to spread.

The best way to show you care

You can have the most efficient experience in the industry, but if customers don’t feel like you care about them, they won’t stay loyal.
Meet Checklist to Protect module.

Show the checklist to protect Free

Apply on specific category Pro

Customize the style & contents Pro
This isn't the end of the world. Protect the health of those you serve and staff in your care on Prestashop Store by offering the best steps to avoid catching or spreading the coronavirus.

Checklist to Protect

This Prestashop module is a social awareness and medical prevention checklist, which specially created for awareness of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and how to protect and prevent.
Checklist to Protect module helps you to create quick and effective Checklist for public awareness of Coronavirus.
Want to show Covid-19 total cases, recovered & deaths with charts in real time? Meet COVID-19 Stats module.
COVID19 - Checklist to protect
Protect from coronavirus


  • Show the EyeCatch Checklist popup Free
  • Customize the Checklist popup and see the result in your Backend Pro
  • Choose the title, source description Pro
  • Set the cookie time to show the information only for the first visit Pro
  • Add more steps and customize the step's icon Pro
  • Select background color and transparency level Pro
  • Upload your own image for the overlay background and the image for the popup Pro
  • Option to use the round corner for the popup and the input fields Pro

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