Tio selling module

Age Verification & Restriction 18+

Take legal precautions when selling alcohol, tobacco... with a highly customizable popup window on PrestaShop stores.
Compatible: Prestashop 1.6, Prestashop 1.7, PrestaShop 8 PHP 8
Translations: English, French, Polish, Éspanol, Italian, Denmark, Germany
Age Restriction 18+

For stores that sell alcohol, tobacco or other products for adults

Prevents those who are under age from accessing your store with a popup window that requires the visitor to enter their age or date of birth.
If they are of the required age they may continue to your store, in compliance with the law.

Support Multi-Store

You can install the module in all your stores in a multi-store and use different configurations for each of them or configure once for all stores.

Support Multi-Language Usage

PrestaShop Age Verification & Restriction 18+ module allows you to change the text for each language you want to have it in your website.

Full Responsive

Designed by experienced developers, this module offers the best full responsive experience.
Age Verification for PrestaShop
Retailers of certain product categories are obliged to check their customers age before confirming an order.
Age Verification & Restriction 18+ PrestaShop module is ideal to help you take these precautions automatically at the beginning of their journey and avoid selling certain products that have a legal restriction.


  • Customize the popup and check the result in your Backend.
  • Choose the title, description.
  • Set the cookie time to show the information only for the first visit.
  • Choose between "Confirm and Deny" mode and "date verification" mode.
  • Edit a redirect URL for the "under 18" users.
  • Select background color and transparency level.
  • Upload your own image for the overlay background and the image for the popup.
  • Option to use the round corner for the popup and the input fields.
Age Verify

Age Verification & Restriction 18+

Ensures that visitors see age-appropriate content and avoids you selling inappropriate products to minors, which is a mandatory legal precaution for any retailer of products subject to age-related restrictions.

Trusted by 7k++ clients.