Samouczki PrestaShop i tworzenie niestandardowych modułów

Najlepsi programiści i inni eksperci oferują najlepsze samouczki i porady PrestaShop - wszystko w imię pomocy w podnoszeniu poziomu umiejętności konfigurowania i instalowania PrestaShop lub konfigurowania bramki płatności.

Prestashop Tutorial

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How to generate Prestashop Invoice by Customer name

Want to generate PDF invoice by customer's name instead of the boring numbers? It's so easy - on this guide, I will show you how to do it:

Are you ready? Follow me.

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Najlepsza długość meta opisu w Prestashop

Jak długi powinien być meta opis w Prestashop? Powiedziałem, że możesz pisać meta opisy na 300 znaków, ale to już nie jest poprawne. Wszystko zmieniło się z tym metatagiem!

Od połowy maja 2018 r. Google powrócił do krótszych fragmentów kodu na ekranie, a zmiany te są powszechne. Większość meta opisów jest odcinana w poprzednim zakresie około 155-160 znaków.

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What should be the length of title on Prestashop for SEO

How to write a strong SEO Title Tag that Google will love on your site? In my previous tutorial on Prestashop SEO Made Simple: A Step-by-Step guide, i said that the title should be succinct between 5 and 10 words, roughly 60 characters. Yesterday when i worked on a P1.7 website, i can see this platform offers you to write a title tag with max 70 characters.

What is the correct number? Because title tags are one of the essential elements, and even a slight change in the meta title of your page can bring a significant shift in your organic rankings, so, we need to find the correct number.

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Few months ago i wrote a tutorial to share about the way to show categories images on menu.

Then @Psdesigner and @Damien Belgacig asked me about the way to put subcategories images instead of main category's image. Sorry 2 guys, Disqus didn't tell me about your comments.

Well, as my previous article, if you edit ps_mainmenu template file (ps_mainmenu.tpl) and put the source code as my suggest, all categories images will be showed on Prestashop Menu. In case you only want to allow subcategories images, we need to make some changes.

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Subscription Business is not new and quite common, especially for the services. Since consumer buying habits are trending toward more simple and hassle-free shopping experiences, more and more companies are jumping into the subscription space and seeing incredible growth. It's not difficult to use it on your Prestashop website.

Selling a one-off digital product, service or course may offer you instant gratification. You get an email saying you've made a sale and the money turns up in your bank account. However, you then need to work hard to get a new customer to make a purchase.

One of our clients, Rajković, sell animal food and feeds in Prague, Czech. His products are very good and his clients are very lovely.

But he told me "Frank, i'm losing. I'm spending too much money on advertising."

This costs time and money. So why not try maximizing your revenue – and easing your cash flow – by persuading customers to sign up to a membership/subscription? That way your initial marketing investment pays off month after month after month.